Ante-Scriptum: Estou a rever o Lost e, como a Senhora de Negro disse, esta série está para os anos dois mil como o Twin Peaks para os oitenta e os Ficheiros Secretos para os noventa, olhando ali para baixo vejo os raios de brilhantismo e ao mesmo tempo sinto o sufoco, a miséria e o desespero da condição humana, especialmente adensada desde o início do capitalismo, um punhado deles a espalhar o pó de cima do trono.
Sawyer: So we're stuck in the middle of damn nowhere. What about we talk about that other thing?
You know, the transmission Abdul picked up on his little radio.
The French chick that said "they're all dead."
The transmission's been on a loop for... how long was it, freckles?
Kate: 16 years.
Sawyer: Right.
Let's talk about that.
Boone: Well, we have to tell the others when we get back.
Shannon: Tell them what exactly?
Boone: What we heard.
Shannon: You didn't hear anything. I'm not a stupid translator.
Sayid: No one's going to tell them anything.
To relay what we heard without fully understanding it will cause a panic.
If we tell them what we know, we take away their hope.
And hope is a very dangerous thing to lose.
Kate: So we lie.