Dedicatória cravejada de rubis:
Claro que vais dizer se quero provar.
Claro que vais tomar o lugar de relevo e, de máscara bem colocada, revelarás toda a tua abjecta piedade, como se Deus te tivesse deixado a chave.
Claro que queres as minhas veias para as encheres do teu estrume.
E, vais olhar como as hienas para dentro dos meus olhos, com fome, muita fome, fome de que me vista de camurça e te atapete o chão.
Delicadas picadas ofertam estes reis sem trono pela calada da noite e, quando amanhece, visitam-nos de sorriso peçonhento e oferecem-nos toalhas de linho com mãos que não sabem sentir.
Pára, escuta e olha: eu não quero saber, eu quero que tu e tu e mais tu e todos esses teus tu semelhantes, que usam da mesquinhez para atingir o clímax, se
Ou achas que eu saí ontem do meu ovo ou achas que quando sorrio não te vejo?
A porcaria, como diriam os Mão Morta, a porcaria que vejo caminha por todos os lados.
Portanto, feita a dedicatória vejam-se ao espelho sorriam e guardem as vossas maçãs de rubi na cesta porque as costas desta moça são feitas de olhos sem pálpebras.
God Given
Hey man
please don't make a sound
take a look around
can't you see what's right in front of you?
have a little taste
no more time to waste
you don't want to get left behind, because it's all coming down right now
now - how hard is it to see?
put your faith in me
I sure wouldn't want to be
praying to the wrong piece of wood
you should
get where you belong
everything you know is wrong
come on, sing along everybody now
(God given)
and He gives us sight
and we see the light
and it burns so bright
now we know we're right
when His kingdom come
and Thy will be done
we have just begun
we're the chosen ones
I would never tell you anything that wasn't absolutely true that hadn't come right from
His mouth and He wants me to tell you
step into the light
how can this be right?
I'm afraid we're going to ask you to leave
guess you can not win
with the color of your skin
you won't be getting in to the Promised Land
this is just another case
you people still don't know your place
step aside, out the way, wipe that look off your face
we are the divine
separated from the swine
come on, sing along everybody now
(God given)
and He gives us sight
and we see the light
and it burns so bright
now we know we're right
when His kingdom come
and Thy will be done
we have just begun
we're the chosen ones
and He gives us sight
and we see the light
and it burns so bright
now we know we're right
when His kingdom come
and Thy will be done
and the Father and the Holy Son
we're the chosen ones
I would never tell you anything that wasn't absolutely true that hadn't come right from
His mouth and He wants me to tell you
Lyrics by Nine Inch Nails/Letra da autoria dos Nine Inch Nails