We are so young
our lives have just begun
but already we are considering
escape from your world
And we've waited for so long
for this moment to come
we're so anxious to be together
... together in death
Would you die tonight for love?
Baby, join me in death
would you die?
I want you to join me in death
Its none of your kind
and my wrists are open wide for you
turning paler, oh, I’m dying just to be with you
and there is no way now (no way we can lose)
so before life tears us apart now, let death come to you
Would you die tonight for love?
Baby, join me in death
would you die?
I want you to join me in death
Because you're all I want
And you're all I have
So let this be the end
The world is a lonely place for us
Would you die tonight for love
Baby, join me in death
Would you die?
I want you to love me in death
would you die tonight for love
Baby, join me in death
I want you to join me in death
This life ain’t worth living
I want you to join me in death
So, would you join me in death?
Join me in baby...
Join me in death
Letra da autoria de Vie Valo/Lyrics by Ville Valo
Post Scriptum: relembrando o passado... Letra original do tema Join me in death posteriormente alterada devido a pressões por parte da editora, uma vez que, segundo os executivos, seria um convite ao suicídio.
Vamos todos rir em conjunto e censurar Romeu e Julieta também?
Ou melhor, por que não retiram das prateleiras o Justine ou Les Malheurs de la vertu do Sade? Aí sim, não há beleza.